We Are Farm Country.
Working with land and livestock runs deep here, it's in our blood, it's in our bones. Farm life is far from easy but the rewards are priceless. We are here to partner with you and serve you with hard work, pride, and integrity. Dirty Hands, Clean Money.

Specializing in Field Harvest
The lowest stress, most respectful harvest method in the world.

Back to the Basics
Small family farms are fading because the producer/consumer connection has been broken. Bigger is not better and we want to help you bridge the gap between pasture and plate with cuts and packaging you'll be proud to offer.

First Impressions
Your packaging can set you apart. Packaging should be professional, convenient, practical, and provide a long shelf life. Our cutting edge packaging solutions will set you apart!

Why Carcasses & Organs get condemned
Over 141,000 cattle, about .05%, are condemned at US slaughter plants each year. Federal veterinarians condemn about 0.05 percent of cattle presented for inspection. Every animal is...